Aired in the summer of 2022 for 12 episodes, the second season of the Love Live! Super Star! TV series saw the Liella girls taking on a bold new challenge as they gained new additions while taking on a bold new rival and overcoming the odds to win the Love Live competition, leading up to a cliffhanger that is a sign that says Liella will return.
Twinkle of the Superstar |
In honor of the completion of the Love Live! Superstar!! second season, the original soundtrack has arrived, making it a must-have for fans who have watched the TV series from start to finish.
It's a 2-disc OST featuring all of the background music as heard in the show, curated by Yoshiaki Fujisawa, as well as TV-sized versions of Liella songs, especially the opening and closing theme songs.
It's their way of saying thanks for watching the second season of the Love Live! Superstar!! TV series. As the Liella girls prepare for their next adventure, be sure to complete the rest of the CD lineup before the next chapter begins soon!
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