2021 marks the 25th anniversary of the Pokemon franchise and it also marks the 15th anniversary of the Diamond and Pearl games, making it the perfect moment for Nintendo to unveil the rebirth of the Pokemon Diamond and Pearl games for the Nintendo Switch. It's time to return to the Sinnoh region for the latest Pokemon adventure; Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl.
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Pocket Monsters Brilliant Diamond |
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Pocket Monsters Shining Pearl |
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl is the rebirth of the original Diamond and Pearl games launched on the Nintendo DS 15 years ago, welcoming fans and newcomers to the Sinnoh Region as they've never seen before.
Although less of a remake and more of a remastering unlike Fire Red/Leaf Green, Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire, and Let's Go Pikachu/Let's Go Eevee, the rebirth of the Diamond and Pearl games work just like the original, even better.
Like most Pokemon games, trainers can begin their journey with one of the starters such as Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup. As the adventure progress, trainers can explore through the wonders of the Sinnoh region, battling tough trainers, defeating Gym Leaders to win badges in order to enter the Pokemon League and defeat Cynthia the Sinnoh League Champion, thwart Team Galactic's evil plans, take on contests, and the most important of all, Gotta Catch 'em All! It's simple as that.
Fans of the original Diamond and Pearl games will be familiarized with the cool features that can be experienced in the remake such as using the Poketch, making underground secret bases, the Amity Square where you can stroll with your adorable little Pokemon permitted in that area, Poffin making, and the Capsule Decoration feature, not to mention different Pokemon appear exclusively in each feature such as Stunky for Diamond users and Glameow for Pearl users. Oh, and did we mention Hidden Moves as well?
Since this is the rebirth of the Diamond and Pearl saga, these games come with new and exciting features such as taking your favorite Pokemon for a stroll everywhere, trainer personalization, and the new Ramanas Park area, open after you became a Hall of Famer, where you can encounter past legendaries using slates.
Of course, as you spend the rest of the game catching and evolving Pokemon to complete the Sinnoh Pokedex as well as the National Pokedex, trading with other players is also part of the Pokedex-completing experience and that's where Union Room comes in. Union Room allows players to trade or battle other players locally or online with the Nintendo Switch Online subscription. If that wasn't your thing, be patient because starting next year, Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl will become Pokemon HOME compatible, meaning you can transfer your favorite Pokemon to this game including those from the upcoming Pokemon Legends Arceus video game coming early next year.
What a way to celebrate 25 years of Pokemon as well as 15 years of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. The Sinnoh remakes really are a must-have for longtime Pokemon fans and if you're ready for another adventure, consider Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl your calling.
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