Monday, January 27, 2020

Doctor Who S12E05

The intergalactic law enforcers known as the Judoon made a comeback in the recent episode of Doctor Who, where they've raided present day Gloucester to rein down judgment in the city.

Doctor Who S12E05

In the recent episode, the Judoon are raiding Gloucester in search of a certain fugitive and whoever a certain fugitive is, it’s up to The Doctor and friends to deal with those intergalactic enforcers before they can cause destruction.

The Judoon aren’t the least of our problems because this episode brought back a special someone from the world of Doctor Who. Who’s someone? Some say, someone’s known to be the good unkillable friend of The Doctor, but anyway, while dealing with the Judoon problem, this episode uncovered the biggest twist The Doctor won’t forget.

Whatever that biggest twist is, this is one episode too hard to miss and whoever enjoyed it from the start to the end really got a glimpse of what comes next to our gang.



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