Monday, January 20, 2020

Doctor Who S12E04

The Doctor meets Nikola Tesla in the recent episode of Doctor Who Series 12, where our favorite time traveler amd her friends investigate who's messing the eccentric invetor's most ambitious invention in history. Turns out, it's a bit more complicating than that.

Doctor Who S12E04
In the recent episode, an alien threat puts the crosshairs on Tesla himself and with them caught in the heated rivalry between Tesla and Thomas Edison, they must convince to put their differences aside and work together to save 20th Century earth from a powerful alien threat trying to get their hands on the eccentric inventor.

This episode really is mind-blowing from start to finish and with it getting the chance to know about Nikola Tesla in the way history never told us before, it was an electrifying experience for Whovians who witnessed it.



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