Friday, October 18, 2019

THREATS FROM NORTH KOREA: New 'comfort women' statue near Washington

A group of Korean Americans says it will install a statue near Washington, to symbolize those referred to as comfort women. This comes amid strained relations between Japan and South Korea.

The group said on Thursday that the statue of a girl will be placed on private land in Fairfax County, Virginia State. They held a ceremony there to mark the start of the installation work.

The group says the statue will be erected as early as next week and that they will invite a former comfort woman from South Korea to its unveiling on October 27.

The group's head says the statue is designed for people to reflect on the tragic history between South Korea and Japan and to not forget the victims of war.

Similar statues exist in the US states of Georgia and California.

The group also wants to erect another one on public land in Washington. The Japanese Embassy there is trying to persuade local officials not to allow it to go ahead.

Source: NHK World

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