Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Third Color: PURPLE

As Aikatsu Friends! story continues in its Miracle Dresses arc, attention is shifting to the Reflect Moon duo consisting of the Shirayuri twins, Sakuya and Kaguya, as the third batch of featured songs from the TV series and the DATA CARDDASS arcades are here.

Third Color: PURPLE

Risen from the shadows after dark, from Luna Witch to Moon Maiden, the third batch of featured songs from Aikatsu Friends shifts the attention to Reflect Moon beginning with Sakuya performing 導かれて. Then, Kaguya will make listeners fall together with her song 偶然、必然。 And lastly, the Reflect Moon duo takes us on an never-ending nightmare they called 絆 ~シンクロハーモニー~. Very supernatural, right? And that's not all because limited quantities come with an accessory card for use in the DATA CARDDASS Aikatsu Friends! arcade game.

Enjoy the latest additions to the Aikatsu Friends! playlist and be sure to keep watching Aikatsu Friends! every Thursday nights on TV Tokyo and affiliated channels at 6:25 PM Japan Standard Time, right after Kirakira Happy★Hirake! Cocotama. Check local listings.

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