Monday, December 3, 2018

Doctor Who S11E09

The penultimate episode of the 11th season of BBC's Doctor Who draws the line between reality and alternative reality in a way almost no Whovians saw it coming. This episode really takes Whovans away as the title of the episode implies. It takes you away.

On this episode, The Doctor and her companions arrived at the Norwegian fjord in the present day and when they find a young girl in the closet of a small house, the gang are finding something wrong's going on around the Norwegian fjord until a monstrous howl and a mysterious mirror calls for further mystery-solving for the gang to find the girl's father.

The line between truth and lies really is the theme of this episode and the mysterious Solitract that blurs the line between them really adds some tense to this penultimate episode, although most Whovians are drawing up some familiarity between the real world and the alternate world in this episode because that classic Whovian concept must have been recycled from a very long time ago.

Oh, Norway...


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