Monday, November 12, 2018

Doctor Who S11E06

A travel to the past and a matter of life and death became the topic of the sixth episode of BBC's Doctor Who as The Doctor and her companions landed on post-war India to uncover Yaz's grandmother's bitter past, not to mention some demons lurking around their backs to make things worse.

Doctor Who S11E06

The episode is titled "Demons of the Punjab" and this episode puts the spotlight on the bitter past of Yaz Khan's grandmother, Umbreen, in the time when a Muslim will marry a Hindu in the day India divided by partition until the appearance of demons and the death of the holy man alarmed The Doctor and her companions.

Viewers really appreciated that Muslims and Hindus in this episode showed how diversity played a crucial role in this season of Doctor Who and it really paints the theme of the episode rather well but aside from that, the familiar golden rule of fixed time point rings back to fans as ruled out by those so-called demons in this episode. That's classic Doctor Who rule to you.


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